Rekor, Pemain WoW Online 1 Juta Orang di China

The9, perusahaan pengelola game WoW memberitakan pada akhir pekan lalu pemain WoW di China menembus rekor baru. 1 juta pemain lebih bermain secara bersamaan log on ke server The9 memainkan WoW.

Angka tersebut menjadi rekor baru bagi The9 yang mulai beroperasi Juni 2005. Bahkan ada lelucon, bila pemain WoW mengetik tombol F1 secara bersamaan bisa mengakitbatkan efek gempa bumi. Total keseluruhan pemain WoW di dunia, telah menembus angka 8 juta gamer, dan dapat dikatakan game online dengan jumlah pemain terbanyak sepanjang masa.

WoW hits 1 million concurrent users in China

World of Warcraft's Chinese operator, The9 Limited, announced today that concurrent users had recently peaked at one million. Whichever way you look at this statistic, it's interesting. How many of those "players" are farmers? How many are legit fans?

Since WoW's launch in China in June 2005 the concurrent user count hasn't peaked like this. Why now? Burning Crusade launched In September 2007 in China. We'll leave the wondering to you, dear reader. We just post the news.

sumber : ketok

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