Game Mortal Online

Mortal Online adalah game baru yang akan diluncurkan tahun ini, dimana game ini merupakan game MMORPG dengan setting fantasi.

Pengembang game mengatakan, tidak menyediakan fitur player vs player, atau karakter dapat saling bertempur. Mortal Online ini menyajikan permainan dengan tampilan grafik berbeda dikelas game online. Fitur game dengan beberapa karakter berbeda profesi, diplomasi, keahlian pada sistem hirarki dari karakter.

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Mortal Online is a first-person MMORPG in a fantasy setting.

Mortal Online is a next generation PC MMORPG both in terms of graphics and gameplay. There are no PvP zones, only an open realistic world where you are free to choose your own path. Experience true real-time combat where you decide every move your character makes and where your personal skill really matters.

Build your own house, or set up a guild to build a keep. With enough power, violence or diplomacy, you and your allies will be able to rule an entire nation.

Choose from many different races and professions. You decide your own style of playing and whether to focus on PvP or PvE, both shari
ng the same game world. Devote your life to crafting, combat, magic or trading. Discover new skills, tools and resources. Or be the first to explore new areas to put your name on the map

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